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Showing posts from April 16, 2016
Wonder why ISIS is wreaking havoc on earth? Read the Greatest Encounter with the highest Power in the universe, Jesus Christ Glorified, for the answers. The HolyGhostants’ World Missions International is a movement of the Holy Spirit here on Earth; it came to be by a Spiritually Physical experience known as the Greatest Encounter with the highest power in the universe JESUS CHRIST GLORIFIED, which was directly given to the first member of the movement; Bishop Kleham Kings Degaya The Divinity Bishop (the first).The Holyghostants’ World Missions International started 30th December 1992. HOLYGHOSTANT simply means The Disciples of the Holyghost or The Disciples of the Holy Spirit. HOLYGHOSTANT and Jehovah El-Kleham was given from the Heavens of the righteous God, for the perfection of the will of God and of His Christ Jesus here on earth in the lives of those who sincerely believe and belong to the God. JEHOVAH EL-KLEHA...