A pretty Nepali vegetable seller has become an online sensation after photos of her went viral online. Kusum Shrestha, 18, was photographed carrying crates of tomatoes at a local market, and it has gone viral. Miss Shrestha hails from a farming family in Bagling, Gorkha, some 55 miles west of the capital, Kathmandu. She is studying management and was helping her parents during the holidays when the pictures were taken at the Fishling suspension bridge between Gorkha and Chitwan. The 18-year-old told BBC Nepali she learnt of her new-found fame from a friend. She told the broadcaster: 'My friend asked me if I am the same girl whose photos became viral on Facebook but I didn't know. 'Then she sent me the pictures and when I saw them, I found it was me. On that day, I came to sell the vegetables to help my parents. When I was on my way to sell the vegetables, RupChandra [the photographer] took my picture - but at that point of time, I didn't know th...
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