A 44-year-old bricklayer, Mukaila Alatunse, who attempted to kidnap his neighbour, Precious Ogundiran, a student, has been arrested by the police. Alatunse was said to have discussed his plan to abduct Ogundiran with a vigilante in the neighbourhood, telling him that they could get as much as N5m ransom from her parents. It was gathered that the vigilante played along with the father of seven, and later divulged the plan to Ogundiran’s father, a lecturer at the National Open University of Nigeria on Victoria Island, Lagos State. A source in an interview with PUNCH said, “The police team asked the vigilante to call the suspect on the telephone, and tell him that the lady had been kidnapped. He agreed to come down to the hotel so they could contact the father for a ransom. The father is a senior lecturer at NOUN. “While he was with the vigilante at the hotel, the team hanged around. The vigilante told him that the victim had been kept somewhere and that they should discuss ab...