30 year old India lady,Anny Divya is the youngest woman to captain the Boeing 777. Anny grew up in Andhra Pradesh, India. She started training as a pilot with the support of her parents despite other family members criticizing her career choice. The young captain had difficult in learning English but she never gave up until her pronounciation was good. At the age of 19, she travelled to spain where she first flew Boeing 737. By the time she was 21 years, she was sent to London for Advanced training, that was when she flew the Boeing 777. Speaking with Times, She said, “I am thankful to my parents and teachers for what I am today. “My parents really believed in my goal and let me fly. There were no jobs at the time, so it’s not like the money my parents were putting in was something that I could earn later. “Nobody was doing any pilot course in Vijayawada at that time. So I was not encouraged to do it by a lot of people around me. But I just wanted to fly.”People...
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