Nigerian rapper, Phyno has dissed Malaysian Big Boy, Huspuppi new music video, Telli person, which was released yesterday. Recall a few weeks back, Hushpuppi accused Phyno and Ice Prince of wearing fake patek wristwatches, which of course led to a social media war between them and some other celebrities. In the video, a lady is seen carrying a puppy laced with Gucci tags around it’s neck and a group of dancers wearing Gucci top. He sang; “My father used to tell me to invest money You no get work you just de show money oh, you follow gucci oh Olu akuo (Work has Casted), I tell you, you no gree, them tell you, you no hear your mother tell you, you no gree i warn you, you no hear for this street wey we dey ndi ogbe no d play. Ha ga ako your way (meaning) for this street, we don’t play, when the time comes, they will abadon you” See the video below;