An Igando Customary Court in Lagos on Tuesday dissolved a 22-year marriage between Yaya Mustapha, 67, and his wife, Aduke. Dissolving the marriage, President of the court, Mr Adegboyega Omilola, said he was convinced that the couple could no longer live together. According to him, the husband who is the petitioner in the case insisted on divorce after several interventions. “The court has no choice than to dissolve the union in spite of the fact that the wife still claims she loves her husband. “The court pronounced the marriage between Yaya Mustapha and Aduke Mustapha dissolved today; both parties henceforth ceased to be husband and wife. “They are free to go their separate ways without any harassment or molestation,” Omilola ruled Yaya, a fashion designer, had sought dissolution of his 22-year marriage, alleging threat to his life. “My wife had made several attempts to kill me in order to inherit my property but always failed. “She once poisoned my food but I sighted the...
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