Actress Olayode Juliana, aka Toyo Baby in the popular series ‘Jenifa’s Dairy’, is one young andtalented lady who knows her onions. Presently engaged in a number of skills and entrepreneurship programmes, the actress talks about the major reason she vowed to remain a virgin until marriage. "I opened up because God instructed me to. Some years ago, I was at Bible Study when He said He’ll open a door for me in the entertainment industry and that when He does I should use the platform to talk about sexual purity. I thank God for the grace and boldness to talk about it despite all odds and oppositions. I am doing it because it’s what God told me to do even before I started acting professionally, when I never imagined I’ll be on TV. There is a world out there that needs to hear the message of purity, lots of people have let go of their virginity thinking they are the only ones left and thinking it’s “old school”. I belong to a ministry, ‘Mine ministr...
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