The gifts of the Spirit are not seen in the Church of today...what's important is their money, cathedral and congregations without reality. Hmmm...if you're a follower of God without any gift, you're wasting your time, please, search for reality, locate it and learn in humility and sincerity.
No one talks about the gift of speaking in tongues and the interpretation therewith. What we see now is nuisance in the name of speaking in tongues. I heard some churches teach their members how to speak in tongues...shame! shame!! How can you displace the ministry of the Holyspirit in the church and not suffer the punitive contingencies?
There are gifts that can make you hear, see and understand the movement of God...it's the gift of THE WORD OF WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE. These double doses equip you to acquire knowledge from the earthly and heavenly territories. This gifts also makes you to be a DREAM INTERPRETER. Since all men dream and its content are from God, then, you can know the solution to the problems you're in at the moment and also help others.
A dream can be defined as a revelation from God according to Biblical standards. There are other kinds of dreams Apostle Jude talked about in Chapter One verse Eight...He called it, FILTHY DREAMERS. This kind is purely satanic..it's not the natural kind of dream dreamt by normal men...it's the dream of the occultists. It has several names, telepathy, clairvoyance, astral travel or time travel, astral projection, soul flying,etc...this is scenario where they sleep with their bodies and they remove their soul for evil manipulation.
Child of God, be strong in the Lord, seek knowledge, else, you follow God without benefits.
Desire spiritual gifts, and when it comes, a person of inspiration, experience and exposure will put you through. Thank you.
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