This topic is very vital and pertinent to so many young folks. You might have been duped one way or the other as a result of might be very worried or troubled that you have spirit wife or husband...Well, the truth is that spirit wife or husband really is a hoax and doesn't really exist. All evil spirits when they possess you, spiritually, it means they have married you. So, once possessed, you are already a spiritual contamination.
The main point here is that whenever you see yourself having sex in the dream, that dream needs to be interpreted and a proper sense of direction given. It depends on the signs and symbols seen in that dream/revelation:
It could mean:
1. Your dream could be telling you of an infection in your blood that could pose a marital problem in future if not discovered and treated.i.e. you should investigate yourself medically.
2. Your dream could also be warning you of future impediments when you marry.
3. Your dream could also be telling you that you have an STD.
4. If you're mature and ripe for marriage and you're not yet married either due to one omission or denial, this type of dream will keep repeating until that omission is corrected before it can stop so that you can get married and once married, it will stop.
5. If someone casted a spell of promiscuity into your soul, you'll always see this dream.
6. If you're married, either husband or wife and you see this type of dream, it could mean your present or future pregnancy is under threat i.e. it can lead to miscarriage or still birth or even the death of mother and child.
7. If you will have a broken family when you get married, you may likely see this kind of dream.
8. Sometimes, it could even be that you saw yourself having sex with your same also could mean that there is an approaching abomination encroaching your territory now or in the future. You have to be alert physically and spiritually so that what will bring abomination in your relationship be avoided. It can also mean you're to watch out for someone you will marry and/or you may likely be a gay/lesbian in the future.
Before you get married, male, check yourself medically for infections that could lead to low sperm count. Ladies, check yourself properly also so that you won't be a problem to a sincere man.
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