This is the dramatic moment Cristiano Ronaldo’s super yacht was raided by Spanish custom officers. The Real Madrid superstar was enjoying a meal in a restaurant when tax officials boarded the boat demanding to see documentation from those on board.

Ronaldo paced back to the yacht where he met the authorities who were undergoing a ‘routine check.’ report the customs officers demanded to see paperwork — but one of his family members took care of the situation.
And a Spanish Tax Agency spokesman confirmed the inspection was nothing out of the ordinary.

He said: “It formed part of routine checks on vessels that are carried out every summer in different parts of Spain including the Balearic Islands.
“It doesn’t affect the users of the vessels but their owners or the charter firms if they are rented out.
“These inspections involve the requesting of different documentation for the purpose of varying fiscal checks, especially regarding the possibility that the exemption on registration tax is incorrectly applied.

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